Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Dean to Seek Democratic Party Chair

Dean to Seek Democratic Party Chair (washingtonpost.com)

I can't help but think this is the best decision. I wanted him to run the country; the least we can have him do is run the party. Conservatives think that it would be seen as a move to the left and they will equate that with the death of the party. Some of us don't believe that the country is as wholly to the right as they would like to think. Giving the party some focus can only help.

Dean also has some experience with this sort of thing. Here's what he says in the email I got today:

Together, we helped elect a Democratic governor in Montana, a Democratic mayor of Salt Lake County, Utah and an African American woman to the bench in Alabama. Fifteen of the candidates we endorsed had never run for office before -- and won.

I also have experience building and managing a local party organization. My career started as Democratic Party chair in Chittenden County, Vermont. I then ran successful campaigns: for state legislature, lieutenant governor and then governor. In my 11-year tenure as governor, I balanced the state's budget every year.

I served as chair of both the National Governors' Association and the Democratic Governors' Association (DGA). And as chair of the DGA, I helped recruit nearly 20 governors that won -- even in states like Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Mississippi.

All of these experiences have only reaffirmed what I know to be true. There is only one party that speaks to the hopes and dreams of all Americans. It is the party you have already given so much to. It is the Democratic Party.

We can win elections only by standing up for what we believe.

I like the guy and I like what he stands for.

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