Sunday, October 10, 2004

Debate Two

Need wood?

My, there were many things to laugh about during this debate. Painful, too, in many ways.
Bush, again, came across as angry, leaping out of his chair and interrupting the moderator. Not very polite. Kerry, on the other hand, was at times clear and strong, but other times he returned to that senatorial doublespeak. I score it a draw simply because Bush didn't fall on his face like he did last time. I don't think that it has stopped the Bush/Cheney slide. Or maybe I should say that it will not stop the growing Kerry/Edwards momentum. The Bush attacks are not working. Kerry appears smart, direct and very clearly Presidential in these debates and this alone will win him votes from the undecided. And on the other side Bush looks defensive and annoyed. Slapping the "liberal" label on Kerry is only going to work with people who are already going to vote for Bush.

So with Bush on the defensive, his slew of "distortions" in this debate, and facts on the ground in Iraq not in his favor, Kerry has the opportunity this week to really take control.

And, yes, Bush has an interest in a timber company.

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