Monday, September 20, 2004

CBS's Distracting Screw-Up

Make no mistake, CBS, Dan Rather, et al. have screwed up big-time when it comes to reporting documents that were from a questionable source, not double and triple-checking their veracity, and then trying to stick to their story. Today's apology comes too late. Heads should roll.

The real problem is that the Democrats will pay the price for CBS's mistake. The controversy over the forged documents has already served as a distraction to the thrust of the story that most already believe to be true: that President Bush got preferential treatment to get into the Guard, and then once there he shirked his responsibility. CBS did not need the documents to make their case. Instead of arguing this, though, we are now consumed with how somebody was trying to frame Bush and who should take the fall at CBS. And people are already trying to point the finger at the Kerry Campaign.

The mistake made by CBS was their own doing. We should not allow this to distract us from the important issues in this race.

Unfortunately, CBS has decided to admit their mistake on the day that Kerry gives a major speech on his plan for Iraq. We know which issue will get more press.

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