Monday, November 14, 2005

Josh Marshall takes on RNC lies

Josh Marshall at the ever-intelligent Talking Points Memo breaks down the lies we had to sit through yesterday while watching the RNC's Ken Mehlman on Meet The Press.

One was that the Senate intel report exonerated the administration of any effort
to mislead the American people over Iraq. Wrong. They specifically did not look
at that question.

He also said the Silbermann/Robb Commission concluded
the same thing. Wrong. They too were specifically not authorized to examine that

He said the British Butler Report said the same thing. First
of all, who cares what a Report written to cover Tony Blair said? Second of all,
it said no such thing.

He said the Duelfer Report said Saddam "was
trying to reconstitute his weapons programs." That is at best a highly, highly
misleading description of the report.

He said that Saddam "had supported
terrrorists, had terrorists operating out of his country." There are so many
different lies and canards potentially underlying this claim it's hard to know
where to start. But again, wrong. None of the purported evidence for this claim
has ever stood up.

And think this only captures a few of them. TPM has links to the detail behind each of these at the above link.

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