Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Senate Rebukes Bush on Iraq Policy

Senate Rebukes Bush on Iraq Policy: "Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) took to the Senate floor to insist that his colleagues were in no way trying to shift administration policy or rebuke the White House, calling such an assessment 'absurd' and 'ridiculous.' 'It's not a change in policy,' he said. 'It's a continuation of the oversight we've been conducting for years in United States Senate.'"

Oh, but wait. Isn't this just about the same thing the Democrats have been demanding? And what does the President think about this? Wasn't he just trying to tell us that critiquing him was "sending the wrong message to the troops?" Not that asking for more from the President is the wrong thing to do, but I like how setting a vague timeline is okay when it's the Republicans that demand it.

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