Thursday, November 10, 2005

White House to 'hit back' at Democrats - Nov 8, 2005 - White House to 'hit back' at Democrats - Nov 8, 2005: "The officials say they plan to repeatedly make the point -- as they did during the 2004 campaign -- that pre-war intelligence was faulty, it was not manipulated and everyone was working off the same intelligence.
They hope to arm GOP officials with more quotes by Democrats making the same pre-war claims as Republicans did about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction."

So, here they go. But let us remember that the Senate Intelligence Committee does not see the same intelligence that the White House sees. In fact, the information given to the committee is filtered; they do not see information that may oppose the intelligence. Sure, all sorts of Democrats talked about Hussein's threat and wrongly supported the war. Even the previous administration talked of the threat, right? Yes. But did they launch a full-scale war and occupation of Iraq? No.
It was the White House that pushed for war from day one, and filtered the intelligence to gain support for it. It remains Bush's war.

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