Monday, December 05, 2005

Failing Grades for US Preparedness

Sept. 11 Panel: U.S. Remains Unprepared - Yahoo! News: "The five 'F's were for:
_Failing to provide a radio system to allow first responders from different agencies communicate with each other during emergencies.
_Distributing federal homeland security funding to states on a 'pork-barrel' basis instead of risk.
_Failing to consolidate names of suspicious airline travelers on a single terror watch screening list.
_Hindering congressional oversight by retaining intelligence budget information as classified materials.
_Failing to engage in an alliance to develop international standards for the treatment and prosecution of detained terror suspects."

Okay, so who feels safer? Do you believe we even have to go through this? We are talking about the safety of American people, the one thing that the government is truely charged with, and we'd rather spend billions fighting a war elsewhere. This makes me more than a little angry.

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